Sunday 20 January 2019

Can air wing of Chinese aircraft carrier handle other aircraft carriers of this region?

Can air wing of Chinese aircraft carrier handle other aircraft carriers of this region?

The Liaoning’s air wing represents a significant leap in air capability for the PLAN, but its inherent capability is limited much like the carrier itself.

The aircraft aboard the Liaoning are capable and advanced, but remain restricted primarily by the ship’s aircraft launching system and relatively insufficient amount of personnel training.(as Chinese was started training during 2012)

While the Liaoning’s air wing of 24 Shenyang J-15 multirole fighters is larger and more capable than the anti-submarine helicopters embarked aboard the Japanese Izumo, it falls well short of Ronald Reagan’s over 55 fixed-wing aircraft.

The fixed-wing aircraft aboard the Liaoning, although advanced, are limited in both range and endurance.

Actually J-15 aircraft are Chinese-modified variants of the Russian fourth-generation Sukhoi Su-33.
These Fourth-generation fighters boast digital flight avionics and advanced radars that represent a significant improvement over the analog systems of third-generation aircraft, but lack the low-observable stealth technology of fifth-generation fighter aircraft like the American F-35C.

Now everyone can get situation , J-15 can not be compare with fifth generation fighters but it can be compare with Super Hornets of US navy. Due to this Chinese have huge loss.

For its better solution , PLANF are working on its new carrier based stealth fighter J-31.

So in this time, I don't think Chinese carrier based aircrafts can handle US navy.
But they can handle Japan and Korea with better numbers.


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