Wednesday 16 January 2019

Can a hand grenade destroy a tank?

Can a hand grenade destroy a tank?

Yes. In fact, you can destroy a tank with a single hand-grenade . If you can get close enough to a tank to put a grenade into one of the hatches then it is likely that the ammo will explode and the tank will go destroyed.

In WW2 there were several accounts of soldiers ambushing tanks and destroying them by dropping a grenade inside the tank. Remember the final action scene in the film Fury? The German soldiers drop a grenade inside the which could have very easily destroyed Fury entirely had the one guy not shielded it.

More recently,  rebel destroyed a abandoned Syrian T-72 tank by throwing a couple grenades  down the barrel, showing that high tech armour isn't everything.

Throwing one grenade on the barrel hull of tank can damage just barrel but can not destroy whole tank.
But if grenade exploded on the top of tank than it may strongly damage outer parts of tank. It may blind it.


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