Friday 25 January 2019

Pakistan successfully training launch nuclear capable tactical Nasr Ballistic missile.

Pakistan successfully training launch nuclear capable tactical Nasr Ballistic missile.


The Nasr is a solid fueled tactical ballistic missile system developed by National Development Complex (NDC) of Pakistan.

It can equipped with 400 kg conventional high explosive, cluster munition or plutonium or uranium tactical nuclear weapon.

It is a Multi-tube Ballistic missile and its launcher can launch multiple missiles in a time. Its first test was occurred in during 2011 and it entered service after further testing in 2013.

It is a small ballistic missile which carries a sub-kiloton tactical nuclear weapon out to a range of 70km.

 The system appears to have been developed as a "low-yield battlefield deterrent" targeted at "mechanized forces like armed brigades and divisions.

It is believed by analysts that the system is deployed to deter and respond to India's "Cold Start" doctrine.

It have high accuracy, shoot and scoot attributes" for "quick response.

Pakistan confirmed that these tactical nuclear weapons are intended to be used against Indian troops on Pakistani soil. According to analysts, if used just inside Pakistani territory, it would counter cold start doctrine and maximize ionizing radiation exposure while minimizing blast effects which would be more dangerous for the Indian army than for local people as the blast yield is much lower than strategic nuclear weapons.


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