Thursday 17 January 2019

S-125 air defence system Bright History and military missions.

S-125 air defence system
 Bright History and military missions.

S-125 first deployed in 1961 around Moscow as air defence shield.
This air defence have shorter effective range and lower engagement altitude than its predecessors and also flies slower.
But due to its two stages, it is more effective against more maneuverable target.
Its operational range is 35km and it can hit target at 18000 meters altitude.

Its best thing is that, it also can engage low flying targets.

Russia didn’t used them in Vietnam due to fear of Chinese reverse engineering.
But Russia sold them dozens of countries world wide included Arab countries.

During March-July 1970 Arab Israel war,
 S-125 shoot down 9 Israeli war planes,Some of Algerian defence sites also captured by Israeli troops.

On January 1991, F-16C of American airforce shoot down and on this same month B-52 also damged by S-125.

But in all, its biggest achievement was that:
Yugoslav Army shoot down American stealth fighter F-117 in March 1999 by S-125. It was only one record of downing of stealth fighter in history.
It also shoot down F-16 fighter on same month.

On March 2015, Syrian S-125 shoot down American MQ-1 Predator drone.

April 14.2018, American , British and French navel and air forces launched 103 cruise missiles against Syrian Military sites.
Near 25 intercepter missile fired from S-125 ,and it intercept 5 incoming cruise missiles.

Still this system is active in number of armed forces after many upgradations.


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